Get the FREE resource package
Have fun exploring our site! We have created and curated resources for parents and teachers:
These resources help students:
All of the great stuff you find was created as a result of an Action Research Project. The peer reviewed paper was published on February 28, 2013 in the IB Journal of Teaching Practice.
- curriculum documents
- videos, lessons, quotes
- student worksheet booklets
- posters and more!
These resources help students:
- become more confident in their abilities to problem-solve
- become inspired to change the world for the better
- become empowered to tackle today’s issues, as well as tomorrow’s issues.
All of the great stuff you find was created as a result of an Action Research Project. The peer reviewed paper was published on February 28, 2013 in the IB Journal of Teaching Practice.
Welcome changemaker!
We will soon be launching a Student Action Journal! We have created a free package for you, which provides a small glimpse of what the Student Action journal will be. It is clear that youth change makers will not always go through the action process in a linear fashion from A-Z, so we have grouped these skills and habits of mind into ED-ucation Publishing's "5 Cs of Creating Change".
Click the images to preview a few pages in the "Action Pack".
Get the free download now!